Money Laundering  
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Excerpt from letter

Mr. Lawrence Kurlander
Office of the Governor
State of New York
57th Floor
Two World Trade Center
New York, New York 10047

                     *  *  *
November 19, 1987

Dear Mr. Kurlander:
                     *  *  *
     Without Mr. Klotz's considerable and extensive 
criminal fraud investigative efforts and expertisse, 
our case would have been lost, in full...
                     *  *  *
     Mr. Klotz worked long and difficult hours to 
assist our federal agents and attorneys in 
uncovering a complex multi-million dollar off-shore 
tax scheme. We won an excellent resolution due 
largely ... to Mr. Klotz's efforts and cooperation."

                                SHARON ARMUELES*

*Trial Counsel, I.R.S. v. Galanis

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