Scholarly Publication
Are Ocean Polluters
Subject to International Jurisdiction: Canada Breaks the Idea.
International Lawyer, October, 1972
The enactment of far-reaching legislation to protect arctic waters by
Canada raised the issue of whether those who wreak environmental devastation
are subject to international prosecution just pirates and war criminals are.
Commentary on International and Legal Issues
Does W's Rice have too many beans?
National Law Journal, January 8, 2001
Bush's National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Ride disdains multi-literalism
and plans a big-power game of solitaire. Good-bye Internet, hello Cold War
The Amistad is
no period piece.
National Law Journal, March 9, 1998
The core issue of the Amistad dispute, human rights v. property
rights, did not end with the 13th Amendment, but persists to this day. It
is as contemporary as the inexorable rush to a global, corporate world order.
Scorched-Earth Policy
is Intolerable.
National Law Journal, November 17, 1997
The fires eating away the rainforests in Southeast Asia and the Amazon
raise questions of corporate responsibility that the international community
refuse to address.
Abortion Decision Undercuts
Rule of Law.
National Law Journal, February 24, 1997
A comment on controversial acquittal of abortion clinic protesters.
Debates Need Minor Players
National Law Journal, October 21, 1996
Did the exclusion of minor party candidates from the Presidential debates
violate the right of the public to a free and fair election?
Courtroom Jousts Now
Done by committee.
National Law Journal, October 23, 1995
A comment on the trial by committee aspect of the O. J. Simpson case.
King of Judicial Patronage
... & Friends.
Eastside Express, April 28, 1977
New York State Press Association: Honorable Mention for In-depth Reporting.
Resultant investigation led to censure of four judges
The Environment
Money to Burn: The incineration
industry's big dollars pollute more than the environment.
City Sierran, Autumn 1992
"If its bondable, it's buildable. Whether it's workable is another question."
Valedictory. Kennedy, the
Environment and the Media
City Sierran, Winter 1993
Media support of environmentally devastating mass burn incinerators echoes
the media's attitude towards the Kennedy Assassination.
My Dinner with Andy: The
human cost of polluted air.
City Sierran, Winter 1992
Thousands die each year from dirty air. We pretend to not notice, but
each of those deaths is a discrete human tragedy.
Politics and Contemporary History
Why the Media Want the
Inquiries to end.
Newsday, Sunday, November 21, 1993
The media's marginalization of those who questioned the "official story"
of the Kennedy assassination poses important question about the viability
of dissent in contemporary America.
Roy Cohn: Still Pulling
Newsday, April 15, 1988
The power of the legendary "legal executioner" to destroy his adversaries
- real and imagined - reaches beyond the grave.
Hollywoodstein: Cover-up
that Worked.
East Side Express, May 13, 1976
Disturbing questions about the Watergate sandal casts a shadow on the
Woodward-Bernstein investigation.
Why Rudy is Ungrateful.
Newsday, January 27, 1988
In 1988, the pressure was on Rudy Giuliani to run for N.Y. State governor
against then popular incumbent Mario Cuomo. The reasons why Giuliani passed-up
his golden opportunity.
Just for Fun
Sheathing the Sword:
The Democratic Old Guard Copes with Carter.
East Side Express, July 22, 1976
The history of the Democratic Party as viewed through the eyes of a very
special mover and shaker.